Information about the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Dear EAP user,

Thank you for intending to use our services. Before we start, we would like to properly inform you about what you can expect of the Employee Assistance Programme and also about other, practical matters. That is why we would like to ask you to read this document carefully and sign it at the bottom. If you have any additional questions, your EAP professional will gladly answer them.

1. Can someone compel me to use the services of the EAP?

No, your participation in EAP is completely voluntary. Even if you contacted EAP following the advice of a family member, colleague or supervisor, you ultimately decide if you want to use EAP's services. This also means that you have the right to end your EAP guidance at any moment.

2. Is EAP confidential?

Absolutely, the EAP ensures strict confidentiality. Your employer, your supervisor, your colleagues or family members will not be notified of the fact that you called on the EAP.

All EAP professionals are also bound by professional confidentiality. Your EAP professional will not share any information about you or the consultations with third parties.

If your EAP professional considers it a good idea to contact a third party, you will be asked to sign a consent form beforehand. This form will clearly indicate what you consent to.

The only exception to this rule is when you are an immediate risk or danger to yourself and/or your environment (risk of suicide or violence,...). In that case, the EAP professional will contact the emergency services without your prior consent.

3. What can I expect from the EAP and what not?

The EAP offers a limited number of individual consultations with a professional EAP professional. If you want to know which specific EAP services are available to you, you can always ask your EAP case manager.

The EAP case manager will listen to you and together you will look for the best possible answer to your question or the most suitable solution to your problem. If you need additional or specialised help after these consultations, your EAP professional will refer you to the most suitable source of help nearby.

4. Can I cancel my appointment?

If you cannot attend the appointment, please notify your EAP professional. If you don't do this at least 24 hours upfront, your appointment will be considered an attended appointment. You do not have to pay for the appointment, but you will lose a session.

5. Are EAP's services free?

Yes, all EAP services are free of charge. Your employer (or that of your partner/parent) entered into a contract with Pulso Europe to guarantee the EAP services. All costs of the employer-provided interviews with the EAP expert are fully covered by this contract.

However, if your EAP expert refers you to another form of assistance, outside the scope of the EAP, the costs of that assistance are for your account. Your EAP expert will of course take your financial situation into account when referring you.

In addition, in case of repeated late cancellations, the employer can reclaim the cost of the sessions. Again, this is done confidentially.

6. Does my participation in the EAP influence my responsibilities at work?

No, using the EAP does not free you of your professional responsibilities as described in your employment contract, job description and/or labour regulations. For example, the EAP cannot be used to justify absence from work, nor to pardon a serious professional error. Your EAP professional cannot provide any attestations on these or related matters.

7. How can I express my (dis)satisfaction with the EAP services and/or the EAP professionals?

After this support you will receive an e-mail with an evaluation form on which you can rate your satisfaction with several aspects of the EAP support. Meanwhile you can express your problems or concerns by e-mail (e1844210221a1072904022p1769948723@1539857138p270184011u1490478514l2070101221s1665566969o1339127573-1878775072g976899648r2104857551o663784754u61685861p720385345.415188584c62706021o771833826m2067211640) or by calling the toll free number. As other personal data, the information you provide us on this form will be treated with strict confidentiality.